Monday, January 14, 2008

Praising God

Alright, I am going to get right to it. Today I received the most amazing news regarding my mom's cancer! She has been diagnosed with a type of cancer which is found in less that 1% of all Bladder Cancers and typically stays put. He doctor from Loyola said based on the information that he has that he expected a COMPLETE RECOVERY! WOW! I felt the need to use several exclamation marks with that statement to let you know how excited I am for that. My prayer had been that when the doctors spoke with my mom today it would end up being nothing more than a minor inconvenience. Now I know that cancer, surgery and a 6 month recovery is maybe more than a minor inconvenience, but in the grand scheme of things I say that this is definitely answered prayer.

Thank you to all my bible study siestas for the prayers. God is soooooo good.

Peace and Grace to you all,


Friday, January 4, 2008


You will have to excuse my lack of netiquette as I learn what blogging is all about. I have often wondered what you could write about that others would be interested in. Who knows what interests those who use the www to explore the world around them, yet never leave their own homes.

In my limited blog reading I have found these posts to be very revealing and quite interesting. But I on the other hand don't find myself to be either. I am a 40ish women in the midst of a huge identity crisis looking for my way. It seems that everything in my life right now has been turned a bit Topsy~Tervy (is that really how you spell that?) My oldest has just completed his first semester at college (yeah, he passed all of his classes) and I feel a bit of deja vu as I walk this same path with my second child. There is no way that in less that 8 months I will have TWO college students to support. Yikes!!! My two other children will have to get used to me hiding in the corner crying again with what feels like the loss of a limb with my daughter almost out the door to college. Maybe she will change her mind and say the words I long to hear "Mom, I think I'll go to a junior college and live at home for 2 more years." The odds of me hearing that are like slim to none.

Food doesn't even comfort me anymore now that I have recently (2 months) been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I have struggled with symptoms for years and have seen numerous doctors yet no one had ever even mentioned Celiac. Gone are the mindless sessions with a chair in the fridge or a squat next to the pantry eating most anything I could find. Until I learn how to cook and plan a bit better, fruit and yogurt will be my late night snack.

On top of all that, I found out yesterday that my BFF (my mom) has cancer and I haven't even begun to process that. The thought of her no being on the other side of my ridiculous phone calls or able to fill in the blanks for missing ingredient in her famous so & so saddens me to no end. I chose to remain optimistic and believe that this invader will not win ~ but justice will prevail and she will fight the fight of her life.

This has caused me to begin to reevaluate my life. Is the legacy I will leave one that my children will be proud of? Did I encourage those around me to go for their dreams? Have I lived my life with a focus on others or was it mainly about me? My prayer is that as I begin to sift my way out of this that I will see that I do care about others and helping them achieve the life they aspire to have.

I'm tired right now. I think that I will retire to my dreams and wake up knowing that I am blessed with a brand new day! Remember always: Happiness is always here, but covered by thoughts, desires and fears.